This book is about the most famous fighter in the world. To many who read this book this will seem to be a provocative statement. Others will consider it nonsense. What do we mean by fame? Some dictionaries merely equate the word with renown, and then to define renown bring back the word fame. Most suggest that fame means not just notoriety but good, or generally approved, notoriety. Can we really apply this word to the MiG-21, which to most of us in the West is the arch bad guy? Let's stand back a bit, maybe take a small terrestrial globe in our hand, and reflect for a moment that the Western world is not the same as the world. To be a fighter you do not have to have a number with a capital F prefix. To be a fighter pilot you do not have to wear a NATO uniform. To fly a MiG-21 does not automatically make a pilot an evil aggressor. Indeed, one's opinion of what constitutes an aggressor depends sharply on one's viewpoint. One man's 'terrorist' is another man's 'freedom fighter', both views being sincerely held.
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