Although the first squadron was not created until 1969, today's aggressor units actually had their origins during World War 2 when pilots like Charles Lindbergh visited frontline air bases in both theatres to demonstrate an aircraft's maximum performance capability, as well as the latest combat manoeuvres. The idea, as it still is today, was to give American pilots the experience and advantage of realistic training, the edge that could make the critical difference in aerial combat. When the US Navy's air-to-air kill ratio dropped from 14:1 during World War 2 to a very costly and unacceptable 2.3:1 midway through the Vietnam War, it was apparent that a change in pilot training was desperately needed. Captain Frank W Ault was tasked to explore the reasons for the poor kill ratio and make recommendations to triple it as soon as possible. His thorough, year-long study contained some 240 recommended changes to the Navy's fighter weapons programme. One of these resulted in the creation of the Navy Fighter Weapons School, Top Gun, in March 1969, the first of the true aggressor units. Another was the development of the first Air Combat Manoeuvering Range (later, TACTS' - tactical air combat training systems) and the entire concept of dissimilar air combat training (DACT) for the fleet by special 'adversary' squadrons.
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