The 11th Volunteer SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Nordland" was one of the most valiant units of the German army during WWII. A number of fascist groups were active in Denmark prior to the outbreak of war. The largest of those, the Danish National-Socialist Worker's Party (Danmarks National Socialistiske Arbejder Parti) was formed in 1930 and was headed by Dr Fritz Clausen. There was also a strong pro-German movement in Norway. It was directed by Major Vidkun Quisling, who, as of May 1933, headed a political group that united Norway's Fascists called the Nasjonal Sämling NS (literally: National Unity). The Germans did not only support the Fascist movements in other states, but also attempted to draft their supporters into the ranks of the Waffen-SS. Despite the occupation of Denmark in April 1940, the tiny Danish Army was not disarmed. However, it did not participate in combat, maintaining its "neutrality". That is why the sending of Danes to the East had to take place in a manner other than e.g. Hungarian units, whose government had declared war on the USSR.
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