Friday, August 26, 2011

Apollo 11 - The First Giant Leap for Mankind

Forty years ago, Americans collectively put men on the moon. That is not to denigrate the contributions of the engineers, scientists, astronauts, and employees of NASA, whose achievements and exploits can only be outlined in this publication, but rather to celebrate the fact that, for a time, Americans were overwhelmingly in support of a great, seemingly impossible undertaking that called for reaching past previously defined capabilities and beyond to a future that had yet to be built. We put men on the moon. In the years to follow, that simple fact became a catch phrase with negative connotations attached to all the ills of the country and the world. "We can put a man on the moon but we can't... cure the common cold, win the war on poverty, end racism," etc. But of course the space program proved that we could, if the will was there. The space program, as embodied in the achievements of the Apollo missions, achieved its successes because the collective will of the nation was strong enough to overcome all the doubters and naysayers. NASA proved that, with enough determination, the nation had the talent and resources to achieve almost anything.

Rotor & Wing Magazine September 2011

A U.S. National Guard Boeing CH-47D Chinook crashed in the Wardak province of Afghanistan on August 6, resulting in the deaths of 38 people onboard, including 30 U.S. service members. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, among the 25 special ops forces on board, 22 were part of the covert Navy unit known as SEAL Team Six, which carried out the raid on Osama bin Laden in May. Five Army aviators, three Air Force Special Operations personnel, and a military dog rounded out the U.S. crew. Seven Afghan commandos and one interpreter were also on board. The crash was the deadliest single-day loss for the U.S. since the Afghan conflict began. The NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)-led helicopter and its crew were transporting the SEALs on a "quick reaction" mission for Army Rangers who were under fire, according to a U.S. military spokesperson. The Rangers were attempting to capture Taliban leader Mullah Mohibullah. The Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for shooting down the Chinook.

Defense Technology International Magazine September 2011

The 155-mm/52-cal. PzH (Panzerhaubitze) 2000, developed by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Rhein-metall Defense, is the gold standard of self-propelled artillery. It is also heavy—56 tons—and expensive. While the weapon is formidable, many armies want self-propelled artillery with greater strategic mobility and lower cost. Two candidates from KMW and Rheinmetall meet this need. KMW's entry is Donar (an ancient Germanic god of fire), a tracked system. The Rheinmetall weapon is the RWG-52, a wheeled platform. (RWG means Rheinmetall Wheeled Gun.) Donar's development goes back to studies a decade ago for a naval derivative of the PzH 2000 turret, called Monarc. When the German navy opted for Oto Melara's 127/64 LW turret, Monarc technology was earmarked for a land-warfare turret. The Artillery Gun Module was unveiled in 2004. It combined a compact turret using the same 155/52 Rheinmetall ordnance of the PzH 2000, with a modified multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) chassis—the latter sourced from the second-hand market to keep costs down. The goal was limiting weight to 27 tons, with 12.5 tons for the turret.

atm 2004-10

US Army vybrala pro své vojáky novou bojovou uniformu (Army Combat Uniform, ACU), která nahradí doposud používaný oděv BDU (Battie Dress Uniform), navržený již před pětadvaceti lety. Hlavním cílem projektu ACU, zahájeného v roce 2003, bylo vyvinout jednoduchou uniformu, která by byla použitelná v rozličném prostoru rozmístění pozemních jednotek a odpovídala jejich soudobým požadavkům. Při jejím navrhování bylo přihlédnuto ke zkušenostem vojáků z bojových akcí při reálném nasazení v Iráku, Afghánistánu a na dalších místech. Uniforma byla zkoušena ve výcvikových střediscích US Army ve Fort Irwin a Fort Polk. Příslušníci pozemní armády, záloh a národní gardy tak nyní dostávají novou uniformu, která bude lépe odpovídat nárokům na aktuální požadavky současných misí a bude funkčnější než BDU. ACU bude existovat ve třech odlišných modifikacích a prvních deset tisíc kusů bude dodáno americkým jednotkám nasazeným v Iráku a do výcvikových středisek US Army. Od dubna příštího roku bude přednostně dodávána rozmístěným bojovým jednotkám a ostatní útvary ji dostanou nejpozději do prosince 2007.

Aviones de Guerra 58

El presidente egipcio nasser había acelerado la crisis de Suez al nacionalizar el Canal, amenazando así los intercambios comerciales franceses y británicos con sus colonias del Oriente Medio y Lejano. La situación se complicó al producirse un ataque israelí, pactado secretamente con las dos potencias europeas, a través del Sinaí, el 29 de octubre. Al inicio de las hostilidades, las Fuerzas Aéreas egipcias disponían de unos 70 aviones de combate, entre cazas MiG-15 y reactores de bombardeo II-28 de fabricación soviética, además de cazas Vam-pire y Meteor británicos. Contra ellos se desplegaron 180 Meteor, Ouragan, Mustang, Mosquito, C-47 y bombarderos B-17 israelíes, a los que de inmediato se añadieron, so pretexto de intervención para detener el conflicto, tres escuadrones franceses de Mystére, Republic F-84 y transportes Noratlas. Además, los franceses desplegaron 100 aviones (F-84 y RF-84) en la base de Akrotiri, en Chipre, y otros 50 Corsair y Hellcat embarcados en el portaaviones Arromanches.

Flight International August 23-29, 2011

Moscow's historic Ramenskoye air base might have been an important Cold War facility, but it was the focus of a blazing hot week in the Russian capital, as some of the country's latest technology was demonstrated to attendees at the MAKS 2011 air show. Civil aerospace enthusiasts were treated to two Sukhoi Superjets, as Armavia's first example joined the line-up alongside the airframer's prototype, while Tupolev showed off its Tu-204SM and Antonov of Ukraine demonstrated its twinjet An-158. There were also displays from special forces and an illustration of power from the mighty Mil Mi-26 helicopter. MAKS is regularly a draw for anyone wanting to see the sort of aircraft that rarely feature at the main European shows. But this year's show was dominated by one aircraft, the Sukhoi T-50, whose mystery seemed only deepened by uncertainty as to when - or whether - it would take to the sky. It did not disappoint.

Helikoptery Wojskowe 1974-1982

This volume describes the world's main military helicopters developed during the 80s, employing the experience gained during the Vietnam and Middle East wars of the previous decade. Although an American AH-64 Apache is sometimes considered for being the veiy first of the 90s generation of helicopters, several earlier designs, like French AS-350 and AS-365, are not so widely adopted yet, and their military sales are expected to rise when Gazelle and Lynx disappeared from the market. In such circumstances they will be covered in a still separate volume containing the last rotor craft of the XXth Century, like Kamov Hokum, EH-101 and Tigre. You will find here four totally different designs, born after 1970, put into production after 1973 and exceeding the military sales level of at least 300 vehicles each before 1988. We can easily argue trying to determine the real "father" of the helicopter - every success has a lot of them (leaving the breakdowns orphaned, as the proverb says). Surely 1907 was the year and France was the country, where Paul Cornu and Louis Breguet made - independently of each other - the first flyable VTOL rotor-driven manned aircraft.

Horten Ho 229 Spirit of Thuringia - The Horten All-wing Jet Fighter

THE history of aviation is full of great ideas. Some of the ideas from the early pioneers have survived to this day; others have been passed by as too difficult to create with current technology, and some have just proven to be outright wrong. But in the Pantheon of truly great revolutionary ideas, there are few. Over one hundred years ago, two brothers decided to create practical flight. Their innovations and approach survive to this day. These two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and their ideas, are generally recognized by history and by nearly all scientists and engineers as being the first truly practical approach to flight. The Wrights created flight by breaking the necessary components of flight down to their respective parts. They solved the problems of structure, propulsion, stability, control, and performance. To do this, they started with the fundamentals they observed from the flight of birds. One of the great leaps forward the Wrights made was when they shook off the illusion of mechanical flight as being simply an extension of two-dimensional travel, namely railroad technology. They saw the problem of flight as being one of banking the aircraft to turn it. In so doing, it was necessary to invent the vertical tail and three-axis control. This is the same thing most aeronautical engineers do today to design aircraft.

Kagero Monographs 7 PZL P.24 A-G

Although built in fewer numbers than the PZL P.11, the PZL P.24 was for a period during the 1930s the fastest and most heavily armed single-seat fighter in the world. Having acquired early notoriety at the Paris Salon with their innovative wing design, the P.24 represented the ultimate development of the family of fighter planes designed by Zygmunt Pu-lawski and saw service in the air forces of four countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey. When PZL (Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze, or National Aircraft Works) opened for production near Warsaw's Mokotow airfield in 1928, twenty-seven year old Zygmunt Pulawski was hired as the main designer. In 1925 he had graduated with honors from the Department of Mechanics at Warsaw Polytechnic and was awarded an apprentice-ship at the Breguet airplane factory in France. Having graduated in 1927 from Air Officer Cadet Reserve School, where he earned his pilot's license, he was hired by the Central Aircraft Machine Shops in Warsaw, which later became PZL.

Maquinas de Guerra 08

Cuando Hitler decidió subyugar Europa, la misión de la Luftwaffe se limitaba a proporcionar apoyo aéreo al ejército alemán, con muy escaso énfasis en la utilización de bombarderos estratégicos, ya que los planes de creación de una fuerza semejante habían sido abandonados en 1937. La guerra civil española pareció demostrar a los ojos de los expertos militares alemanes e italianos la validez de la aviación táctica, a pesar de ios excelentes resultados obtenidos por la Aviación Legionaria de las Baleares, que llevó a cabo una limitada campaña de interdicción del tráfico marítimo y de bombardeo estratégico de la retaguardia republicana Así, en el momento del estallido del conflicto mundial, el 1 de septiembre de 1939, el arma de bombardeo de la Luftwaffe disponía sólo de buenos bombarderos medios (los Dornier Do 17, Heinkel He 111 y Junkers Ju 88) considerados adecuados para el teatro de operaciones europeo en la tarea de destruir la resistencia enemiga en menos de tres años. La RAF británica, por su parte, tradicionalmente partidaria de los bombarderos, entró en la guerra con un trío de bombarderos medios-pesados (los Vickers Wellington) en los que se había dado prioridad al alcance, contemplando la posibilidad de alguna misión estratégica.

Militaria Vol.4 No.1 1999

Pociąg skierowano przede wszystkim do Moskwy gdzie pod nadzorem właściwych służb kolejowych oraz pracowników GBTU przeprowadzono kontrolę wykonania (zgodność z normami kolejowymi, a głównie gabarytami), dostarczono ostrą amunicję, wyposażenie itp. 9 października 1941 r. tuż przed odjazdem pociągu do jego zatogi jako maszynista--instruktor przydzielony zosta! M.T. Fokin z Depo im. Iljicza, który mial poprowadzić pociąg na front do Możajska (linia kolejowa Mo-skwa-Wjaźma). Pociąg wszedł w skład wojsk 5. Armii Frontu Zachodniego i jeszcze tego samego dnia wysłany na rozpoznanie w kierunku Gżatska (obecnie Gagarin). 10 października na wiadomość o rozpoczętej ofensywie niemieckiej (operacja „Tajfun" mająca na celu zdobycie Moskwy) BP Nr 1 Za Stalina wysłany został w kierunku Gżatska przeciw czołgom niemieckim. Pod stacją Kolesniki (174 km na zachód od Moskwy) pociąg niespodziewanie napotkał zgrupowanie czołgów niemieckich (prawdopodobnie z Grupy Pancernej Guderiana) i 11 października w boju z nimi został unieruchomiony i utracony (5).

Novinky MPM Issue 59

Prostudoval jsem si řadu fotografií na internetu a zakoupil knihu od MBI, která Pragovku popisuje a obsahuje i potřebné výkresy, pérovky, kamufláže a fotografie. Sice se jedná na první pohled o zcela novou nástavbu, ale práce nejsou tak složité, jak by se mohlo zdát Řekl bych, že jde o středně těžkou úpravu. Konverzi jsem zahájil odřezáním kříže, který na Marderu drží kanón. Do vzniklé díryjsem vlepil plastovou desku a přilepil původní čelní pancíř korby. Následovalo narytí poklopu řidiče a spár okolo bočních pancířů. Další úprava se týkala nových motorových krytů z hliníkové fólie a plastu a dorytí spár mezi panely na zádi vozidla. Poslední na řadě bylo zhotovení kruhu pod věž. Tento díl vzniknul na soustruhu z plastové desky. Od začátku jsem měl jasno o kamufláži, bohužel mi unikl důležitý fakt týkající se typu vozidla. Měl jsem na stole právě vzniklý Ausf.G, jenže jsem na model potřeboval Ausf.C. Verze se lišily především ve tvaru čelního pancíře korby. „Géčko" mělo rovný, naopak starší „déčko" lomený tvar. Na řadu přišel Pro-xxon, kterým jsem čelní pancíř odfrézoval pryč. Základ nového štítu vznikl na frézce z plastu a poté dostal hliníkový potah z fólie.

Tank Power Vol.318 - Samochody Pancerne wz.29 wz.34

Apart from trackcd vehicles and armoured trains, the equipment of the Polish Armoured Forces also included armoured cars. Despite their big success during the war against the USSR in 1920, this type of armoured equipment was not duly developed and modernised afterwards. In the strategic plans of the future Polish-Soviet war (the Soviet Union was regarded as a potential and dangerous enemy al most until the outbreak of war) it was taken into account that operations might take place in areas with poor road network, where the majority of routes were field ways or macadam roads. The Polish armoured cars were rear wheel drive vehicles with moderate off-road mobility, so in the case of Polish-Soviet war their combat value would be doubtful. Another important factor was the fact that for many years the units equipped with armoured cars had been organised like cavalry rather than armoured units. In September 1939, despite their obsolete equipment, the armoured car squadrons engaged in uneven fight against Panzerwaffe and Red Army troops and were often successful in the struggle against the aggressor.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Proceedings Magazine September 2011

Whenever the budget gets tight, the age-old large-vs.-small-carrier debate seems to resurface; it has risen again with an article in the May issue of Proceedings by Navy Captain Henry J. Hendrix and retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel J. Noel Williams. In arguing their case that the age of the supercarrier is on the wane, the authors espouse the supposed advantages of using an increased number of smaller ships in place of large carriers. But that viewpoint is based on false assumptions and flawed premises, and the summary conclusion that the supercarrier suffers a "declining utility" is often stated but never proved. The challenge for the adversary in the maritime environment is the same as ours—developing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities as well as remote-targeting capability. To merely assume that initial operational capability of the Chinese DF-21D antiship ballistic missile means the death knell of the large aircraft carrier (a popular mantra now with the anti-large-carrier contingent) is to not understand the full requirements of a successful kill-chain. The notion that the aircraft carrier's radar signature will be the carrier strike group's Achilles' heel is wrong. Current Navy and Department of Defense efforts to combat the DF-21 threat focus on the entire kill-chain to assure access for our maritime forces. The DF-21 is a chess move against our carriers. The United States holds the advantage. It is folly to think that strike-group commanders would not fight in the event of a conflict with China that puts our carriers at risk. Risk calculus will be assessed in the same manner it was assessed for the four decades of the Cold War, against an adversary with fleets and aircraft of dedicated "carrier killers."

Aeromodeller 1953-08

WHAT can there be new to a control-line stunter? Convention has settled upon the plain monoplane with flaps coupled to elevators and a mighty powerful engine mounted up front. Trevor Oliver and brother Dick ill New Zealand had other ideas, and after developing a series of models, settled upon the unique Vampire Mk. V—a policy which won the N.Z. National stunt contest in 1952. First and foremost, this is a special design for tight lines. Unorthodox wing ducts are arranged in an offset manner to pull the model outwards in just the same way as naval paravanes were kept away from parent ships in wartime. Then a roller form of control is installed to provide an almost unlimited, unrestricted elevator/flap movement, and this, coupled with a slowish airspeed and the duct effect, enable some spectacular manoeuvres to be executed.

Allgemeine-SS - The Commands, Units and Leaders of the General SS

The commands, units and leaders of the General SS are finally compiled into a single detailed reference book for both the historian and SS memorabilia collector. This complete volume begins with an explanation of the twelve administrative and command main offices involving the SS to include the development, components and functions of each as well as their respective office chiefs. The following section explores the most powerful posts in the SS, the Higher SS and Police Leaders, along with the subordinate SS and Police Leaders found in occupied territories - both the commands and the individual holders of these posts are examined in depth. The SS Main Districts are covered next including all their various subordinate components, title changes, development, commanders and chiefs of staff. The more than forty SS Districts follow, detailed in a similar format. Examining the more than one-hundred and twenty-five SS Foot Regiments in the General SS, the names and ranks of the hundreds of commanders, as well as details of unit location changes, popular and honor titles as well as other data for each are within a separate chapter. Finally, the elite SS Riding Districts and Regiments are covered similarly. Career biographies are included for more than two hundred senior SS commanders, many of whom served portions of their career in the Waffen-SS, Polizei, SD and other facets of Himmler's commands. The biographical data for individuals alone adds vast detail to this fascinating topic. Along with more than 120 rare photos of SS senior ranking officers and seven maps, a detailed index allows referencing of individual commands or personalities.

atm 2004-09

Zbraně a zbraňové systémy sú skoro takou istou položkou ako hociktorá iná komodita. Třeba ale zdórazniť, že skutočne len skoro takou istou. Z titulu určenia a z toho vyplývajúcich obmedzení ide o mimoriadne chúlostivú a o to lukratívnejšlu oblast obchodovania. V druhej polovici 20. storočia sa vytvořil bipolárny svet, ktorý viac-menej představoval poměrně presne deklarované záujmové, rozuměj obchodné, priestory. Socialistický blok súperil s kapitalistickým v „obchodnej" oblasti na celej planéte, hlavně v priestoroch, ktoré neboli jasné zaradené k jednej či druhej straně, a tým ponúkali obom stranám šancu „vyrábať" peniaze. Po rozpade Sovietskeho zväzu a socialistického bloku a po zmene politických a ekonomických vzťahov nasledujúcej po tomto procese sa zrútili dovtedy existujúce politické a ekonomické vazby. Samozrejme, obchodníci ve-dia, že chaos (keď doň aspoň trocha vidia) je tým najlepším priestorom na business. V tejto etape jednoznačné viac strácali výrobcovia a predajcovia z bývalého „východného" bloku. Pozitívom týchto tvrdých časov je, že po chaose sprevádzajúcom tie-to procesy sám život přinutil vývojové ústavy, výrobně firmy a obchodné organizácie aktivně v tejto oblasti híadaťiné, nové cesty a spósoby, ako ponúknut svoje výrobky a služby potenciálnym zákaznikom.

Aviones de Guerrra 42

El británico Chris Ellis, autor de libros de modelismo en los años setenta, había identificado como peores enemigos de las maquetas, clasificándolos por orden de importancia, al polvo y a los seres humanos. En efecto, como se habrá dado cuenta ya, los modelos son extremadamente vulnerables y delicados y necesitan ser constantemente defendidos de agresiones ambientales de diverso tipo. Con demasiada frecuencia, muchos modelistas que cuidan hasta el último detalle el montaje y la pintura de sus aviones, tienden a olvidarse del modélo tan pronto lo han terminado y, tras haberlo admirado durante unos pocos minutos con complacida satisfacción, lo abandonan sobre un estante a que se cubra de polvo a merced de la desmañada curiosidad de los niños pequeños y de la perniciosa indiferencia (cuando no manifiesta hostilidad...) de madres, esposas, novias, asistentas domésticas. El resultado es que al cabo de pocas semanas el modelo cuya realización necesitó de tanto empeño y que tanto nos había enorgullecido está tan estropeado (empolvado, despojado de aterrizadores, antenas, ametralladoras, palas de hélice, etc.) que

Maquinas de Guerra 07

El conflicto de las islas Malvinas de 1982 ha demostrado que, todavía hoy, como sucedió durante la segunda guerra mundial en el Pacífíco y en Europa, la fuerza de combate anfibia representa uno de los elementos más efícaces para proyectarla propia potencia en una dimensión estratégica. Naves idóneas para la guerra anfibia existían ya antes de Cristo: los romanos, por ejemplo, emplearon unidades de este tipo para llevar a cabo incursiones a través del canal de la Mancha en el siglo I a.C. Desde entonces el arte de la guerra anfibia y la correspondiente táctica de empleo de hombres y medios han sufrido una continua revisión con perfeccionamientos sucesivos hasta la segunda guerra mundial, que representa el ápice de su evolución. En el decurso de este conflicto, y en particular en la campaña del Pacífico, caracterizada por el «salto de las islas», Estados Unidos fabricaron naves y aparatos de desembarco con una programación puesta constantemente al día; la guerra, en su conjunto, demostró la validez de las operaciones anfibias de alcance estratégico, como las que se llevaron a cabo en Normandía el «día D» de junio de 1944. Después de la guerra, las enseñanzas extraídas de las anteriores operaciones se aplicaron en 1950 en el desembarco de Incheon, durante la guerra de Corea, y en el anglo-francés de Suez en 1956.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E

The Messerschmitt Bf 109 has earned a lasting place in history of combat aviation. Although throughout the Second World War several progressive variants were introduced, none made such a dramatic impact on the course of the war as the Bf 109 E, commonly known as the 'Emil'. The aircraft was powered by the Daimler Benz DB 601 engine, an advanced design for its times, whilst its aerodynamically refined airframe was a direct descendant of the Bf 108 Taifun, a light sports aircraft. Those components turned the Bf 109 E into a graceful yet lethal, high-performance, air superiority fighter. It was one of the spearheads of the German Blitzkrieg. The Emil drew its first blood during the Spanish Civil War; it mercilessly swept the skies over Poland in September 1939; in May and June 1940 it ruled the skies over the invaded France and Low Countries. In the autumn 1940 it finally found its match in RAF fighters over the English Channel, and for the first time Bf 109 E pilots were left with a bitter taste of defeat. It again came to its own over the Balkans, then in the North Africa, and finally over the boundless steppes of Russia, during the first months of the war in the east. In late 1942 it was duly retired to training units. Starting with the Battle of Britain, the 'Emil' was also successfully deployed as a fighter-bomber.

Militaria Vol.3 No.1 1997

Mam nadzieję, że wielu Czytelników tego magazynu będzie zainteresowanych informacją na temat rodzaju i ilości czołgów posiadanych przez Łotwę w latach 20 i 30. W okresie gdy Łotwa była częścią sowieckiego imperium informacje na ten temat nie były osiągalne dla znakomitej większości społeczeństwa i okazywanie zainteresowania tym tematem było w najlepszym przypadku nie zalecane. Czołgi po raz pierwszy pojawiły się na Łotwie pod koniec sierpnia 1919 r. kiedy to 3 czołgi produkcji brytyjskiej zostały wysłane do Estonii via Łotwa. Zanim to nastąpiło zaprezentowano je na ulicach Rygi 8 sierpnia 1919 r. Jeden z czołgów zatrzymał się przed budynkiem parlamentu. Przy tej okazji mieszkańcy Rygi mogli zobaczyć po raz pierwszy „stalowe potwory"; poprzednio jedynie o nich słyszeli. Czołgi te początkowo najprawdopodobniej zamierzano wykorzystać do wsparcia oddziałów armii gen. Judenicza walczącej przeciw bolszewikom. Na początku grudnia 1919 r., kiedy Front Północny załamał się, 5 maszyn zostało przekazanych na potrzeby armii łotewskiej. Były to 3 czołgi ciężkie typu Mk V i 2 czołgi średnie Mk B. 4 wozy typu Mk V zostały odesłane do Estonii, ponieważ oba te kraje walczyły na tym froncie z bolszewikami. Do tego czasu nowo sformowana armia łotewska zdążyła okrzepnąć i udowodniła swą zdolność bojową w kilku zwycięskich bitwach.

Novinky MPM Issue 58

Vývoj německého kurýrního letounu začal v roce 1934 návrhem konstruktéra továrny Fieseler Rhein-holda Mewese. Šlo o jednomotorový třímístný vzpěrový horno-plošník smíšené konstrukce. Dvoudílné křídlo bylo před náběžnou hranou opatřeno pevným slotem a vzadu velkými štěrbinovými vztlakovými klapkami, při jejichž sklápění se úměrně vychylovala i křidélka. První prototyp vzlétl na jaře 1936 a byl poháněn vidlicovým osmiválcem Argus As 10C o výkonu 240 k. Fieseler se svým Fi 156 porazil ve zkouškách konkurenční Bf 163, Siebel Si 201 a vírník Focke-Wulf Fw 186. Díky tomu Luftwaffe objednala 10 předséri-ových kusü Fi 156 A-0, které se do služby dostaly během roku 1937. Sériové stroje nesly označení Fi 156A-1 a kjednotkám přišly na konci roku 1937. V období 1937-1945 se vyrobilo okolo 2 900 ks. V roce 1943 byla výroba přesunuta z mateřské továrny do továrny Beneš-Mráz v Chocni a částečně do továrny Morane-Saulnier. V obou továrnách pokračovala výroba i po válce. V Československu jako K-65 Čáp, ve Francii jako MS.500.

Okrety Wojenne 2011-04

Niemiecki parowiec Chow-Chow-Foo opuścił Amoy z 230 chińskimi kulisami na pokładzie. Po pewnym czasie stało się jasne, że nie wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem. Chińczycy zażądali dostarczenia ich do Singapuru, a ponieważ cel rejsu był inny, podnieśli bunt. Rozlali na pokładzie naftę, którą zamierzali podpalić w przypadku niespełnienia ich żądań, a następnie spróbowali zatrzymać pracę siłowni. Obawiając się o własne życie, szyper i inni biali członkowie załogi statku zabarykadowali się na mostku i zaczęli wysyłać sygnały o pomoc. Los załogi byłby nie do pozazdroszczenia, gdyby 23 grudnia 1889 roku sygnału nie zauważył pancernik Prins Hendrik der Nederlanden. Marynarze natychmiast sformowali oddział abordażowy, który mimo podpalenia nafty, zdołał obezwładnić buntowników. Po wzięciu na pokład niebezpiecznych prowodyrów buntu, 27 grudnia pancernik dostarczył ich na brzeg i przekazał miejscowym władzom. Choć mogło by się to wydawać dziwne, to w rosyjskojęzycz-nej literaturze ten epizod przypisywany jest dzielnym Duńczykom.....

SeaPower Magazine September 2011

Nearly two decades ago, the Navy launched the first satellite of its Ultra High Frequency Follow-On (UFO) system into orbit to provide bandwidth and communications to troops and vehicles in the field. In less than a year, the service hopes to finally have the first satellite of a next-generation constellation with 10 times the capacity of the current system circling Earth. The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) is a collection of five satellites — four active and one on-orbit spare — that will provide narrowband tactical communications in the ultra-high-frequency (UHF) band to troops in the field. After the Navy launches the first satellite in early 2012, the service will launch one per year until all five are on orbit. But that first launch has proved to be a moving target because integration and technical concerns have taken longer than expected to resolve. At one point, first on-orbit delivery of MUOS was scheduled for March 2010.

Technika Wojskowa 2003-05

Fiński system obronny i siły zbrojne są bardzo interesujące, a pod niektórymi względami wyjątkowe w skali Europy. Po II wojnie światowej Finlandia zdołała uniknąć losu państw Europy Środkowej i nie dostała się pod bezpośrednią polityczną, gospodarczą i militarną kontrolę ZSRS Jednak zagwarantowany szeregiem wymuszonych układów wpływ wschodniego sąsiada na politykę kraju był ogromny. Także system obronny, który Finowie stworzyli w po wojnie stał się wypadkową ich dążeń do zapewnienia państwu skutecznej obrony oraz ograniczeń narzuconych przez ZSRS. Fińskie siły zbrojne są w Polsce mało znane, pomimo geograficznej bliskości obu krajów - czynnikiem, który bez wątpienia zwiększy zainteresowanie nimi jest wybór nowego transportera opancerzonego dla Wojska Polskiego, którym okazał się AMV fińskiej firmy Patria Vehicles Oy. Wybór koncepcji obrony państwa, dokonany przez Finlandię jest wypadkową z jednej strony podstawowego kanonu jej polityki zagranicznej, jakim jest nie-zaangażowanie (w tym brak przynależności do międzynarodowych sojuszy militarnych), z drugiej zaś środowiska geograficznego, demograficznego i strategicznego.

World War Two - A Military History

It is always helpful to explain what a book is about, not least for a subject that is so extensively and ably covered in the available literature. This book is a military history, primarily operational in its scope, and deliberately written with the interests of students in mind. It draws heavily on my experience of teaching military history at the University of Exeter, and will most appropriately be judged by those and other students. The audience in part shapes the approach, not least the decision to keep notes to a minimum. The approach also owes much to a prominent recent work, Joanna Bourkes The Second World War: A Peoples History (Oxford, 2001). Although well written, engaged and conceptually up-to-date, with a particularly impressive focus on the experience of ordinary people and the remembrance of war, liourke s treatment of the subject is one that I have reacted against. Her book displays the demilitarisation of war, a tendency that is all too frequent in the secondary literature, not least the absence of sufficient discussion of issues such as military capability.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

100 Years of Royal Australian Navy

By the 1850s, separate British colonies had been established in New South Wales (NSW), Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. All relied on the Royal Navy's (RN) global supremacy for protection, and the stationing of a small British squadron in Sydney offered some measure of visible presence. Despite this, the discovery of gold and Australia's growing agricultural wealth increasingly raised questions about the adequacy of security provided, particularly with the squadron frequently absent on patrol in the South Pacific. As the possibility of war with Russia waxed and waned, NSW and Victoria went so far as to acquire the beginnings of their own local naval defence. The Victorian acquisition, the armed screw steamer HMVS Victoria, was despatched to New Zealand during the First Taranaki War in 1860. There she earned the first campaign award for an Australian colonial military force, but as yet there remained no legal basis for the establishment of colonial navies.

Building Strong - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

For years, environmentalists and government officials alike sought renewal of the Florida Everglades, with a goal to restore wetlands, build reservoirs, and remove the crumbling roads that were built for failed housing subdivision projects. Now, thanks to a major law enacted by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama in 2009, those efforts are getting renewed attention. The federal statute is the S787 billion economic stimulus law, formally known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Signed into law in February 2009, the legislation is creating and saving millions of jobs while addressing long-neglected infrastructure challenges for the 21st century. Among the top priorities of ARRA are civil works, military construction, and military support projects carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). "Funding provided in the Recovery Act has enabled the Corps to provide lasting value for the nation by addressing much-needed infrastructure improvements in both water resources and military construction," said Gary Loew, Civil Works Programs Integration Division chief. USACE ARRA projects span 49 of the 50 states as they maintain and improve the nation's ports, harbors and waterways, restore ecosystems and provide military support nationwide.

Aviones de Guerrra 11

El reconocimiento aéreo es un juego peligroso, especialmente sobre el moderno campo de batalla. El desarrollo de los misiles guiados portátiles ha permitido que hasta el más veloz reactor de reconocimiento pueda ser derribado por un solo soldado. Portanto, aunque que el avión de reconocimiento táctico sigue siendo ei medio principal de recogida de información sobre el campo de batalla, los ejércitos de todo el mundo buscan un método alternativo mucho menos arriesgado. Los aviones radiocontrolados (drone) no son una idea nueva. Ya en los años veinte británicos y norteamericanos experimentaron con misiles teleguiados; para el reconocimiento hubiese bastado substituir la cabeza bélica por una cámara fotográfica. Para hacer llegar las imágenes a su destino, bastaría con que el vehículo regresase a sus líneas y se hubiese podido recuperar la película. En los años cincuenta, las mejoras en los métodos de radiocontrol y el desarrollo de fotocámaras ligeras condujeron a las primeras realizaciones prácticas de vehículos de reconocimiento no pilotados.

Hitler's Second Army - The Waffen-SS

Perhaps no army in history has emerged with a reputation quite like that of the force known by the two letters 'SS'. This work is an attempted objective account of the 'second army' formed by men whose goals were entirely military and experimental, soldiers with ideas very different to their political masters. Unlike most other works on this often controversial subject, this effort includes unique testimony by the men involved, both as organizers and combat soldiers who experienced in their youth some of the biggest and most intense battles of the Second World War. These collected post-war accounts have to be an essential ingredient in such a history; the quoting of copious 'Himmler documents' may appear academic but it is a sure way to obtain a distorted picture. Apart from which, in view of the well known accusations levelled at these elite troops it is quite unjust to ignore their version of events, they deserve a fair hearing if only for the sake of a factual history.

Italeri 1992 Model Kit Catalogue

Lotnictwo 2004-06

Przegląd rozpoczął się konferencją w 31 BL w Krzesinach. Otwierając ją dowódca WLOP gen. broni pil. Ryszard Olszewski podsumował zamierzenia, jakie zostały dotychczas zrealizowane na lotniskach objętych programem nowego samolotu wielozadaniowego oraz nakreślił obszar prac, jakie należałoby wykonać jeszcze do końca br. Podkreślił niepokój wynikający z opóźnień realizacji inwestycji, nie wykorzystanie środków budżetowych w latach ubiegłych i bierną postawę inwestorów, TOL i RZI zagrażającą niewykonaniem tegorocznych zadań oraz stwierdził, że nie wyciągnięto należytych wniosków z lat ubiegłych, bierność i pasywna postawa inwestorów, ciągłe wyszukiwanie usprawiedliwień dla opóźnienia inwestycji zagrażają terminowej realizacji zadań inwestycyjnych. Zabierając głos, dyrektor firmy Maxer (jeden z głównych wykonawców projektu) mgr inż. Karol Sawicki powiedział, że po ostatnim spotkaniu inwestor podjął inicjatywę rozbudowy i przeprojektowania budynku portu lotniczego tak aby dobudować jeszcze jedną kondygnację. Projekt jest obecnie w realizacji, wieża nie ulegnie jednak kompletnej zmianie, gdyż w części żelbetonowej została już wykonana.

Lysander Special

The Lysander, designed as an army co-operation aircraft, failed in its allotted task. It was not the fault of the design; (his 'miracle of flappery and slottery' — as one pilot put it met its Air Ministry Specification for the task. The fault was rather that of the Air Staff, so imbued with strategic concepts in the use of air power that army co-operation was disregarded to such an extent that only four squadrons were allotted for the close support of the BEF in France in 1939. Yet in 1918 when the RAF had taken over the former work of the Royal Flying Corps, there had been 20 army co-op squadrons for a similar frontage. Moreover the Lysander was less able to look after itself than the biplanes of 1918 which, using the same calibre guns had a far better field of defensive (ire than the canopy of a Lysander allowed. Small wonder, therefore, that within days, not weeks, of the German attack in the west, the Lysanders were ordered home. As an army co-operation aircraft the Lysander had a brief operational career in France, the Western Desert, Greece and Burma.

Maquinas de Guerra 06

Una soberbia serie de novísimos cazas de alta tecnología ha invadido recientemente el cielo: no se trata tan sólo de aviones que vuelan a una altitud algo superior o son más veloces que los de antes, sino de sistemas de armas de concepción completamente nueva, equipados con sofisticadas computadoras de navegación automática y con sistemas de búsqueda e identificación de los objetivos y de control del fuego. Cazas interceptadores, cazas de ataque, caza bombarderos, ¿dónde termina una clase y empieza otra? Resulta más fácil plantear la pregunta que encontrar una respuesta, dado que, mientras unos aviones se proyectan para un uso particular, otros pueden realizar las tres misiones o llevar a cabo otras distintas cuando ya no estén en disposición de enfrentarse en condiciones de igualdad a los modelos más evolucionados de los cazas adversarios. De todos modos, tradicionalmente, el caza es un interceptados un aparato ligero, ágil, de elevadas prestaciones de combate, diseñado hasta los más mínimos detalles para alcanzar velocidad y maniobra-bilidad superiores a las de todos los demás aviones que actualmente puede abatir.

Militaria Vol.2 No.2 1996

4 Dywizja Pancerna należała do grona tych jednostek Wehrmachtu, które powstały jeszcze przed wybuchem II w. ś. Sformowano ją w październiku 1938 r. w Wiirzburgu. Była jedną z pięciu niemieckich dywizji, które uczestniczyły w ataku na Polskę we wrześniu 1939 r. Chrzest bojowy, okupiony bolesnymi stratami, 4 DPanc. przeszła 1 września pod Mokrą. Niemieccy pancerniacy nie zdołali tego dnia pokonać linii obronnych polskiej Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii. Wrzesień 1939 r. to także udział w nieudanej próbie zdobycia z marszu Warszawy, a następnie walki nad Bzurą. W maju i czerwcu 1940 r. 4 DPanc. uczestniczyła w zwycięskiej kampanii w Europie Zachodniej. Do wiosny 1941 r. jednostka stacjonowała w Niemczech i w zachodniej Francji. Nie uczestniczyła bezpośrednio w kampanii na Bałkanach w kwietniu 1941 r., pozostając wówczas w rezerwie OKW. Od czerwca 1941 r. 4 DPanc. brała nieprzerwanie udział w ciężkich walkach na froncie wschodnim, m. in. w bitwie pod Kurskiem latem 1943 r.

Modelar 2011-07

Tento tank, plným názvem A15 Cruiser Tank Mk.VI Crusades byl rekordně rychle zkonstruován a odzkoušen v roce 1939 současně s obdobným typem Covenanter. Zatímco ten prokázal natolik slabé výsledky, že mohl být používán pouze k výcviku, Crusader přesvědčil zástupce britské armády natolik, že byl již v roce 1940 přijat do výzbroje. Neobvyklý chvat byl nepochybně vyvolán vývojem mezinárodní situace. Crusadery se celkem úspěšně zapojily do bojových situací v severní Africe, ale jejich úspěchy netrvaly dlouho. Motor Liberty byl na tak těžký tank přece jen příliš slabý a hlavní výzbroj - kanón ráže 40 mm (byť u verze Mk III. už byla použita ráže 57 mm) nestačil na stále lépe pancéřovaná vozidla protivníka. I tak se Crusader vyráběl v řadě verzí a po stažení z první linie byly tyto tanky využívány nejen k výcviku, ale i bojově na méně exponovaných místech jako pozorovací, dělostřelecké tahače, nosiče ženij-ních konstrukcí a další. Značný počet vyrobených „Křižáků" byl přezbrojen na protiletadlové verze. U Československé samostatné obrněné brigády se její příslušníci setkali s protiletadlovou verzí Crusader AA Mk.ll vyzbrojenou dvěma kanóny Oerlikon ráže 20 mm.

Morza Statki i Okrety 2011-0708

Akademia MW ogłosiła przetarg na wykonanie robót przygotowawczych i prac adaptacyjnych okrętu podwodnego Kobben. Znajduje się on obecnie w Stoczni MW, gdzie dokonano konserwacji zewnętrznej części kadłuba. AMW poszukuje wykonawcy adaptacji jednostki do roli gabinetu szkolnego. W kadłubie zostaną wycięte dwa duże otwory (wejście i wyjście) wraz ze schodniami. Oprócz tego zostaną wykonane prace wewnątrz okrętu prowadzące do ułatwienia poruszania się w nim oraz zapewnienia energii elektrycznej do oświetlenia i zasilania niektórych urządzeń. Nadal nie wybrano sposobu w jaki Kobben zostanie przetransportowany ze SMW na teren AMW. Zostały już tam przygotowane łoża pod okręt. Przetransportowanie go w całości wymaga szeregu prac przygotowawczych (platforma, drogi komunikacyjne), natomiast transport w dwóch częściach prowadzi do przecięcia kadłuba oraz późniejszego połączenia go i zakonserwowania.

North American P-51 Mustang

North American P-51 Mustang was one of the most renowned and undoubtedly one of the most aesthetically pleasing fighter designs of the Second World War. It served well its pilots of many nationalities even many years after it had been conceived. Its total production figure amounted to nearly 16,000 aircraft. The four basic models - B/C/D/K - presented in this publication, accounted for 4,950 out of 10,720 air victories the USAAF was credited with, and 4,131 out of 8,160 ground victories. Many vintage P-51s are still airworthy today, and every major aviation museum has ambitions to own one. Ordered by the British following a contract signed on 23rd May 1940, Mustang came to life after barely 102 days, when still engineless airframe was put up on the wheels (borrowed from the Harvard). The aircraft was first flown on 26th October. A year later it was coupled to a new powerplant, Rolls-Royce/Packard Merlin, which replaced the older Allison V-1710. The re-engined Mustang, produced as P-51 B at Inglewood plant, and as P-51C at Dallas, surpassed all expectations. P-51D - the upgunned, improved 'bubbletop' model - and P-51 K, its Texan variant, only further confirmed that Mustang was the ultimate in piston-engined fighters.

Novinky MPM Issue 56

Model pro sezonu 2005 byl evolucí Yamahy YZR M-1r kterou vodil na světových okruzích Valentino Rossi o rok dříve.Toho využila Tamíya a připravila stavebnici na bázi kitu ze sezony 2004. V krabičce je tak jeden původní stromeček se starším rámem motorky, blatníkem a s dalšími díly, které nepoužijete. Naopak, polovinu dílů ve stromečku využijete i na novější verzi. Smůlou je/že v původním vydán íTamiya nezakoupila licenci na využití jména Valentina Rossiho, navíc obtiskové varianty nezahrnovaly tovární modré zbarvení; ve kterém se většinou motorka představila. Naopak potěšilo, žeTamiya nabídla žluté retro zbarvení z okruhu v Laguna Seca a perleťově bílé z Valencie, která odkazovala na zmíněné výročí týmu. Tamiya absenci licence na jméno mistra světa napravila v loňském roce, kdy vydala stavebnici v reedici se slavným číslem 46 v obou výročních zbarveních i v modré verzi ze zbytku sezony, bohužel za „nepatrný" doplatek. Stavebnice se mi zdála ve srovnání s verzí 2004 jednodušší, celkově tak působí i samotný motocykl, který byl designery dotažen k větší ladnosti a eleganci. Na vrub shodných dílů s předchozí stavebnicí připadá i několik chyb.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Naval History Magazine October 2011

The image is well-known: The underwater explosion of an atomic bomb sends a column of water skyward amid a collection of old warships anchored at Bikini Atoll in July 1946. Among the ships were the decommissioned aircraft carriers Saratoga and Independence, which were not far removed from steaming with the mightiest fleet of warships ever assembled, one that ranged the Pacific, landing Marines on enemy beachheads and delivering strikes against ship and shore. Yet at the beginning of the Cold War, the Navy faced an uncertain future in light of the atomic bomb. Delivery of the superweapon was viewed as the exclusive domain of the U.S. Air Force, which was created in 1947. Air power proponents saw little need for a large conventional navy in the Atomic Age. That notion, combined with a political climate of budget austerity, helped set the stage for interservice battles over roles and missions.

F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter

The designation of fighter aircraft by "generations" began with the first subsonic jets toward the end of World War II. While never an official definition, such designations have been widely accepted for more than six decades, with each new generation typically reflecting a major advance in technology or capability. The first generation (mid-1940s through the mid-1950s) included the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star (U.S.), de Havilland Vampire (U.K.), Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9/-15/-17 (USSR), Shenyang J-2/J-5 (PRC), and Dassault Ouragan (France). Aside from speed, they were not significantly different from the last generation of advanced piston-driven fighters from World War II. The second generation (mid-'50s through early-'60s) was defined by supersonic speed and missile armament. Jets of that generation included the McDonnell Aircraft F-101 Voodoo (U.S.), English Electric Lightning (U.K.), Sukhoi Su-7/-9/-ll (USSR), Chengdu J-7 (PRC), and Dassault Mirage 111/5 (France). Third-generation fighters (1960s) focused on improved air-to-air missiles and analog avionics, while air combat over Vietnam showed dogfights were still part of the equation. It also saw a proliferation of nations and companies producing jet fighters, with representative aircraft including the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II and Northrop F-5 (U.S.), BAE Harrier (U.K. - the first VSTOL jet), MiG-21/23/25 (USSR), Mitsubishi F-l (Japan), IAI Kfir (Israel), and Mirage Fl (France).

Air Power at Sea - A Century of US Naval Aviation 1911-2011

The pages of Air Power at Sea: A Century of U.S. Naval Aviation will take you through a century of naval aviation—from its birth to present day—sharing and highlighting the special history and contributions of millions of American men and women who have served in, and supported, naval aviation. As a global technology leader helping to advance the next 100 years of naval aviation and in honor of our employees' 80 years of dedicated commitment to the United States Navy, Northrop Grumman Corporation is proud to support this special endeavor with the publishers of The Year in Defense™ and the Hampton Roads Navy League Chapter. These gifted writers, editors, and photographers have captured the essence of naval aviation's storied history to which Northrop Grumman has contributed much and is so honored to be a part of today as we mark the Centennial of Naval Aviation in 2011. From the December 1929 incorporation of Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation in Baldwin, N.Y., and the creation of our first naval aircraft, the Grumman FF-1 biplane fighter aircraft, through the defining battles of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the post-Cold War era, and the first Gulf War, hundreds of thousands of Northrop Grumman-built aircraft have helped our warfighters successfully complete their missions and return safely home to their families. And, for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation over these past 100 years, we honor their memories and pay tribute to them and their families. We shall not forget.

Defense Magazine Summer 2011

Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former U.S. Marine Corps captain, served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He is the first combat veteran of the Global War on Terrorism to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. After attacks on America Sept. 11, 2001, Hunter, a graduate of San Diego State University, quit his job and joined the Marine Corps. Completing Officer Candidate School in 2002, he became an artillery officer. When his second tour of duty in Fallujah, Iraq, ended in 2005, he was released from active duty, remaining in the Marine Corps Reserve. Successful in business, Hunter decided to run for Congress. Weeks after filing as a candidate for California's 52nd District, however, he was recalled to active duty in 2007 for assignment in Afghanistan. His wife and family carried out Hunter's election campaign while he was fighting overseas. He won the election and joined the House of Representatives in 2008. Hunter also serves on the House Armed Services Committee and subcommittees on Tactical Air and Land Forces and Seapower and Projection Forces. Between votes on the House floor, the congressman spoke to Defense senior writer Clarence A. Robinson, Jr., about the controversial 2012 Defense Department budget request.

Aeromodeller 1953-06

Before leaving the rubber motor there is one otber subject worthy of discussion. In terms of getting the most out of the motor the conventional folding prop, design shows up badly in theoretical analysis, mainly because the trim required produces a most inefficient set-up towards the end of the power run. To overcome the change in trim as the motor stops, the propeller folds and the model goes into its glide, the conventional folder-design is generally losing height quite appreciably over the latter part of the power run—Fig. 6. The model becomes progressively more and more under-elevated as the end of the power run is approached so that it is, often appreciably, diving under power, A well trimmed model with a non-folding prop., on the other hand, will at least maintain height during this period, or even continue to climb slowly. Cutting off the power run early to prevent this is a partial solution, but the non-folder still has the advantage in this respect. Even when the power output level has fallen below that necessary to maintain level flight, the model is descending more slowly than il would on the glide. Hence it has a longer effective power run.

atm 2004-08

Po neúspěšném jednání s USA o prodeji stfel Tomahawk do Izraele přikročila společnost Israel Military Industries (IMI) k vývoji vlastní řízené střely s plochou dráhou letu Delilah 2 odpalované ze zemé. Původní střela Delilah byla vyvinuta v 80. letech jako bezpilotní elektronický rušič vypouštěný z pozemního zařízení, který měl umožnit snadnější proniknutí izraelských bojových letounů nad cíl. Delilah byla později v 90. letech modifikována do ofensivního leteckého zbraňového systému srovnatelného s americkými střelami s plochou drahou letu AGM-86. Střelami byly vyzbrojeny izraelské letouny F-16D Fal-con a modernizované F-4E-2000 Kurnass. Nová pozemní varianta střely označená Delilah 2 má podobné charakteristiky, tzn. vysokou podzvukovou rychlost, dlouhý dolet a vysokou přesností zásahu v cíli. Je vybavena dopředným infračerveným resp. elekt-rooptickým snímačem, který umožňuje identifikování pozemního cíle na vzdálenost do 16 km, navedení střely na něj a ničení jak stacionárního, tak i pohyblivého cíle.

Focke-Wulf FW-190 D

The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D, better known to its contemporaries as the Langnasen Dora (Long-nose Dora), was the finest project created by Kurt Tank's design team to see service in numbers. It duly capitalized on all their previous experience in building high-performance fighters.The D-9, the aircraft's most popular variant, was first flown on 7th September 1944. Soon it made its presence felt both on the western and eastern fronts. A total of some 700 machines (sources vary) were assembled in Focke-Wulf plant at Cottbus, as well as by Arado and Fieseler contractors, by the end of the war. The D-9 powered by Jumo 213A-1 engine was practically the only variant to see serial production.The later D-11, D-12 and D-13 variants, powered by Jumo 213F-1 engines, were approved for production in March 1945, and only a few were delivered. D-12S dirndrnent was one engine-mounted 30-mm MK 108 cannon and two 20-mm MG 151s in the wing roots.The D-13 differed from the D-12 by having a 20 mm engine-mounted MG 151 cannon in place of the 30 mm MK 108 unit. If only handled with skill, the Dora was a formidable opponent, capable of outrunning and outmanoeuvring any allied fighter it was pitted against.

German Tactical Doctrine

The personal influence of the commander upon his troops is of the greatest significance. He must be located where he can most effectively lead. On the march he should be as far forward as security permits, and his location should be definitely known by the members of his staff so that all reports may reach him promptly. In the attack his command post should be located as far forward as possible, yet protected from hostile fire so as to insure undisturbed operation; for tactical reasons, the post is placed near the main effort, facilitating control at the most important point of the battlefield. The movement of the command post is influenced by the location of existing wire lines, and the divisional signal officer is kept constantly informed so that communication requirements may be better anticipated. In a delaying action, the commander remains in the forward position until lie is convinced that his order for withdrawal is being successfully carried out; then, with Iiis artillery commander, he goes back to the new position. In very difficult or dangerous situations, often present while withdrawals are being executed, the commander will remain with his troops.

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