OVER a half a million flying model plaits have been sent to aeromodellers all ovor the world—who have built and flown in full confidence that AEROMODELLER PLANS SERVICE drawings presented the finest models, by the most expert designers, painstakingly set out for exact reproduction by comparatively inexpert builders; or in the case of more complicated designs calling for the more skilful enthusiast, accompanied by detailed instruction sheets in all cases of difficulty. From a mere leaflet our Plans Catalogue has grown to nearly booksize with its 56-pages packed with illustrations of the most extensive range of flying model plans available in the world. For the convenience of would-be builders designs have been grouped into sections; Power models for example arc in no less than six sub-divisions covering both engine sizes and purpose, with further sections dealing with scale models. Each section is treated in the same helpful way, while a list of recommended designs suitable for the newcomer or the not so expert is included.
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